Catharsis In Ashes~We Are Stardust

 “Our abandonment is over

We will think that way no more

We belong here, we belong here

We are blazing at the core”

                                                                ~Kenneth Robinson

Autumnal equinox turned the southern corner; spilled light through my front windows in a way not like yesterday. We are anointed by voluminous blue radiance come to illuminate an internal life of winter.


A home that holds light is good fortune in a season of change as change is a leap into darkness.


Days before the definitive shift a friend’s poem grew roots in my head:


Our abandonment is over

We will think that way no more

We belong here, we belong here

We are blazing at the core


He had set it to music and asked me to dance.


And a mirage moved through the hot dust of the Nevada desert at Burning Man as I remembered a photo of my son.  It became the backdrop for the song. I couldn’t say why except for the timing of events.


Jack at Burning Man

Jack at Burning Man


Catharsis, revolution, turning of tides, defying the status quo, beginnings and endings, grief and redemption can’t be ignored. Blame the super moon; the radical shift of planets and tides. Blame big events and small incidents. Blame a storm of happenstance for the hand up out of the muck. Wake up. Wake up. There are more procrastinations than tomorrows can hold. It’s time to move on. Things happening in familiar circles and those circumnavigating the globe are boiling. Can you feel it?


In this moment of upheaval and assimilation I, ruled by Virgo who is both my sun and rising sign and governor of the intestines, thrive as separating wheat from the chaff is my forte.


The beginning of a new year marked by the Hebrew calendar is a good occasion to scrutinize the tribes that declare us their own~ culture~ nation~ family~ friends~ community: We take stock of our people and ourselves. Our people because they’re a reflection but also the company we keep. And they could be holding us down as comfort often trumps and turns in to conviction whose binding eventually reveals all. The company blows apart.


 What if we’ve come from stardust as conjecture has it?

We would be like stars: They come together until the energy that binds at the core

Is so bound it cannot move.

Claustrophobic and toxic with stagnation,

We blow apart from the others like supernovas.


Scientists found that neurons that do not make contact with other neurons in the human body shrivel and die.

Philosophers liken that to a human need for contact but what of too much contact:

Does closeness also foster destructive tendencies?

When toxicity breeds from stagnation and stagnation comes in many forms, anger involutes to depression or to volatility for one.


Oh it’s easy to come together from disparity. To rally against a foe is the easy work.

How to come together and stay together in closeness?


We struggle toward unconditional love and fail and try again.

Relationship is a puzzle that frustrates all but whose heart is frozen.


Get to the bottom of the frozen heart and find abandonment. That is my over reach for today. When and how were you abandoned in big but mostly small ways; ways that excused you from humanity’s mores?


Someone did not want you, could not hold you as you were, could not hear you, could not suffer the burden of being loving or even responsible in a selfless way. You don’t remember every detail or you do but your actions say there is memory. We are wired to remember the cautionary tales. How ironic that this means of survival stands in the way of our evolution.


We are guilty of tiny mistakes natural to new beings navigating unknown waters. Little piles of pebbles become the boulder blocking our door.


What of yoga and/or faith can help us here?

In the way memory is coaxed to the surface,

In the way relationships with others who resonate with positive vibrations raise us,

In the way unconditional connection to Mother Nature softens us,

In the disconnected moments that we connect because we learn thoughtfulness,

In the way we are taught that becoming our best means excavating our worst.


 I have woven a parachute out of everything broken. ~ William Stafford


The Jewish holiday that marks the beginning of the year is called the Day of Atonement.

It is excavation day that follows a week of reflection;


To say pardon me,

If I was ignorant,

If I was selfish,

If I was greedy,

If I was insecure,

If I harmed you or myself or our maker in any way


And then to hear by virtue of all sins forgiven;

I am worthy

I belong here

I am not abandoned because I have embraced myself

And the magnificence of the universe within me is surprisingly magnified by contact with others doing the same work.


In my favorite outfit, sweatshirt and bare feet, the cool breeze on naked legs and hot sun in my hair, I welcome the change which comes whether I choose it or not. We are walking through our own fire.


Happy New Year.

May my fire light your way

And yours light mine.

(In the year 5775)


Sanchi, golden flower,

your aura sanctifies.

Your love, and your will

are stronger than the tides.


A morning star awaits us

as we awake from troubled dreams.

The fool stumbles, the heart redeems.

Ecstasy has opened me, though I still break my vow.

I may still fall prey to fear, but it’s clear to me now—


Our abandonment is over.

We will think that way no more.

We belong here, we belong here.

We are blazing at the core


Of Mystical Reality,

Highest Vibration,

Crystalline Perception,

Total Liberation,

Superbliss Buddha,

Self Realization,

Elemental Know-How,

Miraculous Transformation.


Gate Gate Paragate Parasam Gate Bodhi Svaha


Gate Gate Paragate Parasam Gate


Our abandonment is over.

We will think that way no more.

We belong here, we belong here.

We are blazing at the core.

                                                         ~Kenneth Robinson


Filed under American culture, family, Healing, nature, new age enlightenment, poetry, social commentary, yoga, yoga and blogging, yoga and religion, yoga teaching, yoga wisdom

13 responses to “Catharsis In Ashes~We Are Stardust

  1. Sherry

    Beautiful post, Hilary.

  2. merrittevanraff

    Nice Piece !

  3. Thanks so much for sharing this poem and the experience of renewal at this time of year. This is what I needed to read, to hear, to sit with today.

  4. Randi Michaels Block

    Your words resonate at my core… especially at this time in my life. 🙂 Thank You Beautiful And Brilliant Friend. xo

  5. lannie

    Incredible, as always! both you and Kenneth are so beautiful! I loved seeing you today ~ love you!

  6. Pingback: Heal the Burn With Meditation | Hilary Lindsay Nashville

  7. Well, shit, you made me cry again!
    Beautiful, Hilary. And just what I needed to read today.

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